Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eye on Malaysia

28th August 2008

It's a windy and cloudy day again. Since tania and I had nothing to do, so we decided to do something, in order to entertain ourselves. Finally, we stil stick to our plan last week --> Eye on Malaysia, since it is going to move to malacca at the end of this month, so we are going for the last ride ^^ Both of us had never been there although staying at K.L for so many years.

weather of the day,cloudy...

We decided to 'kidnap' bibiana with us after having our lunch. the more people,the more merrier ma...

eye on malaysia, fascinating...

After snapping some pictures of the eye, tania and I went for the ride, but bibi refused to join us since she already took the ride with her hubby. The ticket cost us RM15 each.

the ticket booth

Since it was a weekday, there's not much visitor. tania and i managed to share a gondola.Yay...and only 2 gondolas (included us) were occupied during our ride

We had enjoyed and experienced a 360-degrees panoramic view of K.L. Both of keep snapping and snapping, crapping in the gondola, 12-minutes ride are not enough for us...

Miss T and I ^-^

After the ride, yippie...it's time to jump...yay!


刚刚收到余珍的短讯,她写说: "上个星期回太平时,遇到你的爸爸和妈妈.却没遇见你; 再上几个星期梦见你的爸爸和妈妈,却没梦见你.哈哈...感觉怪怪的."



思念並不甜 然而我却那么远 
虽然你不在我身边 但你的爱 真的在我心裡面
我背負你的愛 像貝殼於大海
為你多挨點苦 淚也流乾 也應該
我背負你的愛 一輩子欠你甜蜜的債....




友情可以复杂也可以简单化,那在乎你怎么去判断, 如何去维持。