Tuesday, December 30, 2008

~日韩台风在圣诞节来袭~—— sakae sushi & Kyong Joo Restaurant

第一台风, 日风来袭,锵锵锵, 灾区~ sakae sushi
时间 ~ 中午的圣诞节
灾民 ~ jason & ting ting


吃了一口的Sakae Chawamushiho chiak!

Hana Maki, scrumptious...

Spicy Salmon, 有点腥.......

Chicken Shiogayaki Don, thumbs up!!! the chicken is soooo tender and the sauce is such a perfect match eat with the rice.

Gyu Don. 不知道好不好吃,因为我不吃牛肉。可是......

从他吃得津津有味的表情应该还不错吧....... =)

风后感 ~~ In the aspect of the Don, Sakae Sushi还不错吃得说。可是寿司方面,还是觉得Genki Sushi的比较新鲜,口感也较好。虽然Genki的价钱比较贵一点点,可是一分钱一分货。怀念呀, Genki ...


Friday, December 26, 2008



话说昨天,大约傍晚6.45pm, 天空还下着绵绵细雨,马路上冷冷清清的,我就在家门外等候巴士,要去轻快铁站。甫出家门就看见一辆摩托,载着两个友族同胞,从我对面的车道经过。由于Jason时常提醒我要注意和小心摩托骑士,因为KL的snatching case KL 敢认第二没人敢认第一。所以很自然的,我赶紧握紧我的包包然后快快地走回去我家门口,然后打起十二分精神望着摩托离去,小女子怕怕!


过了一分钟,和housemates们赶快跑回案发现场,可是那两个混蛋和女孩子已经离开了。不知那女孩子怎样了,有没有受伤?一方面同情那女孩子的遭遇,一方面又替自己觉得庆幸。那两个超级王八蛋可是在我面前徘徊过两次呐,而且只有伸手的距离,我可能也成了他们的目标。感谢神明保佑让我没变成受害者。THANKS GOD!!!!!





Sunday, December 21, 2008

冬至快樂 =)

雖然今年的冬至在生病中度過, 可是吃了媽媽親手做的湯圓後, 病也好了一大半. 起碼今天沒再發燒, 咳嗽也減少很多.

在此還是祝大家: " 冬至快樂, 闔家團園, 一起吃湯圓."

Friday, December 19, 2008

I am sick T____T

I am having terrible flu, bad cough and fever on and off for these few days. I have no idea whether it's kind of curse or ecosystem, I found out that I will definitely fall sick in every year end, the very serious one, it just like the small sickness during the year combine and become a combo. Haiz.... orn

Because of sick, I have to sacrifice an interview this morning, luckily the HR department allow me to postpone it to next week. And I need to sacrifice the movie which I'm very look forward to with Tania tonight. Sorry Tania... Wuwu T___T

And people, please stay away from me coz I'm a damm good biological weapon now, which transmit influenza virus *cough cough cough*
Stay away from me if you dont want to get infected!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

cHiLi‘s 不是辣椒,boLt 不是suPer dOg

It have been such a long long time I din have a proper dating with Jason, since both of us were super duper busy with our study, and me myself keep going back to Taiping when I free and abandoned him alone in KL (tat's wat he always complained about). Finally, yesterday he finished his part of thesis and we decided to have a proper dating in the late afternoon. Yay... \(^0^)/

For celebration of passing of my practical exam, we decided to treat ourselves in chili's. Yeah...it's one of our favorite eatery, wahaha...不管了,不管了。We want to 豁出去了!

He keep saying that his keep fit plan is successful, no more double chin. Hmm... but I think he gonna gain back what he lost in this meal lo...

My bottomless ice lemon tea. Glrpp glrpp glrpp...excuse me, refill plsssssss 0(n_n )/

He punya hot coffee, which I think I can make it by myself as good as this

One thing we like about chili's is their services, the waiter and waitress are very polite and helpful, and the serving of food is fast. And here come our main course. Yay yay... ^^

Jason's lamb shank, which is very eye pleasing. The sauce together with the meat had made a perfect combination. Yum yum...and the meat is very easy to cut off, just like chicken floss.

Okie, this is my lamb shoulder. The main reason I ordered this was bcoz of it's side dishes, the very very mushy mashed potato

Arhm......feel so bahagia once I put it into my mouth. Oh gosh, my heart was melting....

But my lamb shoulder was a let down. It's was too chewy as a chewing gum. It was very hard to cut off as I was trying sooooooo hard playing with the stupid shoulder together with my fork and knife =_= !!! Both of my hands and my pity mouth were so sore and pain after the meal. I'm gonna black listed it in my "black book'"!!!!! Argggh......

Mr J is going to on diet again when he saw the bills ;P

We bounced into BOLT after escape from chili's. Bolt, the hit dog star who have been brain-washed by the TV producer that actually he has super power. One day, he was accidentally shipped from Hollywood to New York. From there, he started his journey across the country, to get back to his owner and co-star Penny, together with his friends he met during the journey, abandoned house cat named Mittens and Bolt's hard core fans, a hamster named Rhino. Slowly throughout the adventure journey, Bolt found out that actually he doesn't have any super power and discovered that he doesn't need super power to be a hero. I was so obsessed into Bolt by his loyalty to his person. Wouldn't it be nice to have a dog such like bolt. And I'm sure you guys will definitely entertained by this passion, adventurous but clumsy hamster xD

I am looking forward to this cartoon. Hopefully it spring into the cinema A.S.A.P, cant wait to watch after I saw the trailer, seems like the nutty squirrel is falling in love with somebody in this 3rd series...

Okie, it's time to sleep now. Just an update guys, I'll be working as Edifier speaker exhibitor in the PC fair which held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center for this 3 days (12th-14th). So if you guys are interested in speaker, I'm ready to serve you. I'll be in the 3rd floor, the speaker room.
Hope to see you guys there. Good nitezzzzz........

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


昨天终于和阿花见面了,哇哈哈...开心,开心~~ 0(n_n)0

Yeah...it's froggy shop ^^ Both of us settled our lunch with our fav japanese cuisine. Both of us were so happy playing with the mouse and clicking on the menu *click click click and order*
We were sooooo busy with our mouth exercise, kept filling our mouth with foods and words, until forgot to take the photos of our main course, the curry don and chicken teriyaki don. Aikss...it shouldn't happen on both of us since we are proffesional blogger *cheeky me*. But I can tell that there were very nice.yum yum....

the 玄米绿茶, with light taste of rice. Not bad....

the sakae chawamushi, accompanied with mushroom, crab stick and shark fin. Thumbs up!!!Taste good when it's hot, bahagia.......

potato salad and hana maki. scrumptious...

After the very satisfied meal, we decided to have a movie, TWILIGHT.

It's a story about love between an ordinary high school girl Bella (Kristen Stewart) and the vampire, Edward (Robert Pattinson).
The story went smooth and steady all the way then oni a bit gan cheong when the hunter, James start stalking of Bella and then the fighting among the "vegetarian" vampire and the hunter. I would said that this is a love and romance movie rather than an action movie. It will be a bit boring for those action-type lover. So guys, don't get cheated by the movie trailer or else you will end up snoring in the cinema. But for me, I love this movie soooo much. Firstly of course because of this leng zai vampire, Robert Pattinson. Just a reminder, he is the one who played as Cedric Diggori in Harry Poter 4. Although he looked a bit pale in the movie (why vampire must look pale???), but he still very good looking. I was like Bella cant help myself from stop falling in love with this intelligent, witty and handsome hunk. I really don't mind to date a vampire if he is as hot as Edward. Come come come, come to me!!! Bite me bite me.... Secondly, I LOVE the story line. It's a bit different from most of the vampire movie. In this movie, the Cullen's family din survive with sucking human blood, they din have fangs, they are hot and pretty, immortal and they enjoyed their choice of unique lifestyle very much. Live in a mansion inside the jungle, playing baseball under the thunder and lighting. I hope I can become part of them too...

After the movie, I was told by 阿花 that the Popular Bookstore in Petaling Street was having stock clearance sale. So what are we waiting for, let's GO!


由于要搬迁的关系,书店里的书很多都大平卖。琳琅满目的书看到我眼花缭乱,弄到我心猿意马,不知要从哪里下手的好。后来终于让我买到了我觉得真得真得真的很值得的书。yay (^-^)y

Ta da, 第一本 ~~ 弯弯杨丞琳fun fun 马后炮


第二本, 林悦榴莲国度


临走前,和阿花决定给某某人写些comment (没办法,现在逢看到comment box就会想到你 ;P)。

我们已把这张字条美美地贴在留言板上, 某某人得空就去看看吧 XD

我们是不是很有心ler, 你没来我们都会惦记着你。

等着你回来,别忘了我们的dim sum buffet之约 ^^

Thursday, December 4, 2008


不 起 眼 的 , 靜 靜 的 在 某 個 社 區 的 角落 里

, 已 習 慣 當 陪 襯 品 , 從 來 不 會 喧 賓 奪 主

滿 , 很 享受 著 在 她 周 圍 所 發 生 的 故 事 ...

著 汽 車 在 路 上 所 留 下 的 餘 ,

像 個 小 人 般 享 受 著 大 的 庇護 ,

欣 賞 兒 在 風 中 撩 人 的 舞 姿 ,

佩 服 野草 頑 強 的 生 ,

苔 鮮 蔓 的 魔爪 ,

咪 當 她 的 護 花 使 者 ,

正 大 地 偷 聽 每 個 庭 的 八卦 ,

婪 地 聞 著 從 廚 房 飄 出來 的 ,

冷 眼 旁 看 著 歲月 在 每 一 間 屋 子 所 留 下 的 痕 ,

任 由 淋 肆虐 的 在 她 的 身 上 ,

息 黃昏 的 到 來 ,

無 奈 的 披 上 夜 所 賜 的 寂寞 黑 紗

無 悔,

一 起 和 在 她 身 上 磐 的 一 草 一 木 , 一 花 一 樹 , 一 人 一 ,

隨 著 時 間 的 逝 去 , 歲 月 的 蹉跎, 慢 慢 變 老

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!!! ~o(n_n)o~

No words can express my feeling now, although it's already 6 hours I received the news, but i'm stil in very high mood. Listen guys, I've PASSED my practical exam.

I've dreamed of it for more than 1 month already, finally it's become reality. I keep pinching myself when i received the news, can't believe I had made it. Thanks GOD!!!

Finally, I passed!!!!!

Finally, I'm a qualified sonographer.

Finally, working in Australia no more a dream for me, no more untouchable for me.

Finally, I'm gonna landing in kangaroo territory, soon.....

Finally, I can have a good night sleep start from today. Whee....... \(^0^)/