Tuesday, July 21, 2009

pLaCes I MisS in SinGapoRe =)

OMG....I have not been updating my blog for more than 1 month. Sorry guys, was not in the mood to put my words here.Pai se neh~

Well, just wana share with you guys some interesting places I discovered during my trip to Singapore few weekends ago. I fall in love into these places and I'm definitely will be there again whenever I have chance =D
Let the photos speak

OrChArD rOaD

I'm sure I'll burn my pocket if I worked here. Lots of shopping centers along the road, a heaven for shopaholic!

cRazY ElePhaNt, Clarke QuaY

Clarke Quay, a beautiful and romance place for couple.
Was bounced into this very 涂鸦式 pub and bistro ~ the Crazy Elephant with Ben and SeongHaur. Man....we love this place! The band is awesome....

Da guitarist, Fantabulous...


I din touch with alcohol since my last trip in KL...I have a very good girl life in Penang, pathetic~

This band attracted lots of Caucasian fans. Didn't feel like I am in an Asian country at that moment =)

with Ben and SeongHaur...

Love those wordings on da wooden wall....


Oh boy, I love this emo place very very much! It is very near to Ben's house. We cycled there. I cant remember when was my last time I put my ass on the bicycle couch, feel great....
Feel peaceful and emo when I was here. It just like all the shit things were left behind, it's only me and the surronding, nobody else....it's a private place which i can have time and space to converse with my inner self, meow~

the emo-ing Ben...

da bike which carry both of us. San Fu Sai bikey....

LaSsaLLe c0LLeGe of the ArTs

was attracted by the unique yet modern design of the building

July is the month of Photography Asia =)

da don't move photos exhibition~

Photos from the photographer FRANCOISE HUGUIER

bUgiS StrE3t

The largest street shopping location in Singapore and is a MUST go place for those shopaholic!!!! The place for legacy of glamour and fun lingers. Too bad I don have enuff time for my shopping. I definitely will come again. Arghhhhhh.........who wana join me???!!!

This sex toys shop is definitely much much more interesting than I need House in Malaysia. Lots of cool stuff which make us sexcited. Yea...we love SEX!!!!

Thanks again to Ben and SeongHaur for their hosting, providing me a place to stay and all the meal. Truly appreciated =)
You guys had brought me to see the other side of Singapore. Safe, clean, peaceful, emo and those people in service line are actually very helpful and courteous.
Awwww....how I wish I can stay here. I wish my prayer will be answered. GOD bless.....


ShiRLeXia said...

Well u definitely went to more places than I did!
Well, I was there only for a guy mah! :P
But you know what? Singapore is really a cool city compared to KL!

P/S: What's going on with ur bad mood? U can tell me lar... On msn, not here, ofcos!

diaLoG wiTh tH3 c@t said...

thanks to Ben and ah kao...both of them are the coolest tour guide in Singapore.
I love singapore so much.KL cant compared with it...KL is sucks with those robbers and snatchers (Pai seh,still suffering with the post-robbed syndrome =S)

小彭 said...

finally updated XD

wow~seems great ya ur sg trip!haha,how was the interview?

i been addicted on photos!

Hayley said...

so glad to read ur blog again!! u went missing :(
i only been to Sg few years ago.. every now and then i keep saying to pay it a visit again but, fail T__T

xnos said...

hihi xiao ting,how are u?
wow..went singapore..how's the feel?i love the college building design..haha!!damn nice.^^

diaLoG wiTh tH3 c@t said...

yo....long time din c u adi xnos =)
the feel was super duper great in singapore.I love the country very much...Clean,modern,and the most important is she is much much more safer than Malaysia!!!
Yea...I like the art college building as well. Will visit there again if got chance ^^

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