Wednesday, October 29, 2008

27th October 2008 Monday

早上十时许,被太阳公公的热情给唤醒,醒来时已经汗流浃背。Watlao, 这几天真的他妈的不是普通的热,热到很想对着太阳发飙再顺便问候他的妈妈。

“Hey today are you occupied?that day when i ask you i forgot about today is a holiday"
Of course I'm not occupied today.Muahaha...






和 莎莎决定去Low Yat Red Box唱K。适逢万圣节,Red Box 都布置成好像鬼屋酱,而且我们还有一张护身符,如果在唱K途中有鬼冲进来吓我们就用符制服他,就有一份礼物。哇...好像做戏酱,看到有僵尸来就把符 往他额头上贴,好像很好玩,期待期待 o(n_n)o

Red box 收费还不是普通的贵。一碗小小的Tibbits, 竟然收费RM8++ 。普普通通一杯Longan Lychee 和Aloe Vera Special RM12. 一碟没什么肉没什么菜没什么饭的炒饭也是RM12. 难怪Red Box的分店一间接一间,因为有的是一班忠实的水鱼和菜头K客,和我一样的败家女和败家子。

RM8++ 的tibbits,还compulsary要拿tim...

第一次吃到放豆苗的potato salad, 怪怪的combination... ==''

顺道一提,之前和莎莎去Neway唱K, 结果被compulsary拿了水果拼盘,一盘RM22的水果拼盘。Watlao,真是砍菜头不眨眼呐!水果都只是一些在菜市场都可以买到的普通到不行的水果。


回 到Red Box,一面唱歌的同时我和莎莎都带着即期待又害怕受伤害的心情等着鬼的到来。莎莎趁我顾着唱歌时点了很多很多的老歌。带我回顾了小学时所崇拜的偶像~~ 林志颖,吴奇隆和小虎队。好久好久都没看过他们的MV了。当年的他们都留着五五分界的发型, 穿着土土的服装跳着过时的舞步。


岁月催人老, 不只不觉十多年就这样过去了。当年的他们也不再“十八二十二”。可是样子还是保养得很好,不像老了十几年。




歌唱完了,连只鬼影都没看到,后来才知道原来鬼不是每间房间都去光顾。可能我们时运高,与鬼无缘。遗憾啊...人生第一次那么想撞鬼却撞不到 =(

去Pavilion car park拿车时,恰好经过新开的日式甜品店,恰好两位败家女没有散钱还car park,恰好两位败家女嘴馋,恰好两位败家女又想换散钱,恰好店里还有空位。所以呢,menu现在就在我们手上。

一坐下来,两位败家女部落客症候群症发作,拿着手机猛拍店里的台台凳凳,店里的装潢。拍够了才甘愿翻开menu点餐。决定点了Macha Kurian@抹茶雪糕。

Everyday is MOF day, then everyday will be my fatty day...


像大便的抹茶雪糕。还参了红豆,strawberry, mango, peach,一些jelly和日本软糖。雪糕味道还不错,只是strawberry和mango就酸了点。建议两个人share,因为吃到后面觉得雪糕有点甜,一个人吃的话可能会有点腻。

吃 韩国餐首选当然是Ampang Korean Village. 和莎莎选了这间叫无尽张的韩国餐馆。 这间店的waitress猛赞我长得很像时常光顾这家店一位很kawaii的女孩,只是我比那女孩高很多,indirectly 也就是说我也很kawaii咯! 哇哈哈哈.... 请容许我syiok sendiri和自恋症候群症发作一分钟。

点 菜时,那位热情的waitress一边含情脉脉的看着我,还一边摸着我的头,一直说我太像那可爱女生了,搞得我还蛮害羞+三条线的说。这次和莎莎点了烤肉 和Kimchi Chugae。菜肴上桌之时也是我们部落客症候群症第三度发作之时,还好这些菜肴不会用融掉来威胁我们(庆幸)。这家店的泡菜是我和莎莎吃过最好吃的泡 菜,泡菜不会太咸也不会太酸,口感和味道都掌握到恰到好处,赞!烤肉也是赞赞赞!厨师的独门酱料为烤肉增添不少分数,吃了还想再吃。


kimchi chugae配白饭,一个字,赞!!!


烤好了,开餐 \(^0^)/

这一餐,又是饱到撑着肚子回家。埋单时,那热情的waitress还给了我们discount,一直吩咐说下次一定还要再来。HAha...Of course we will =)






Sunday, October 26, 2008

An artistic s@tuRday

26th Oct 2008 Saturday

Woke up around 8 in the morning, but it's hard for me to leave my warm and balmy blanket, so i decided to snooze for a another couple of minutes, and made my cell alarm snoozed as well. haa..

Okie...finally it's time to get up, after my alarmed rang for 10 times and started annoying me, and it's already 9.10am. Ohh....i gotta be quick!

Just before i wana step out from my house, Tania called and told me that the Bijoure Bazaar had been canceled for this weekend (arghhh...), so we decided to go to central market since we are looking for some art stuff.

Between, ummi, wednesday, chaosis, big show, xnos and his sister were joing us for this artistic tour as well. The more people. the more merrier, yay... =)

This is the 1st time I met xnos (the toilet paper guy) in real person, get to know about this artistic guy thro wednesday's blog. He is very talented in T-shirt design and his designs are marvelous. Furthermore, he is totally not the look which i imagined ~ skinny, tall, unshaven, sloppy and rough, based on the impression he gave me while I'm reading his blog. In adverse, he is a gentle and soft-spoken little boy =P

There's alot of art-deco in the central market, and it's really opened and caught my eyes. But most of the stall's owner not allow us to take picture with their goods. But I'm still managed to take some, haha...being obedient is not my style.

Masks which make me thinking of the movie "scream"

the china street which selling variety of chinese art-deco

We bumped into some interesting shops and stalls as well.

an antic shop, selling those ship wrecks 250 years ago

a stall which selling some freaky but cute dolls keychain

i brought them home with me, the witch and the pirate

Tania and Ummi were attracted by those batik kebaya. Ummi commented that the price was a bit expensive and not worth with the clothes material. So gals, pandai pandai la. Bargain before u buy.

batik printed flowers

We saw these 2 antic motors at the 2nd floor
and I couldn't stop myself riding on the bike before the people 'shewwww...' me away =P

After hanging around in central market, we moved on to The Annexe, an art gallery which located just behind the central market. It acted as center for contemporary art. Tania and I were fascinated by some painting by a sifu from shang-hai, and we decided to take them home, in happily and satisfaction ^0^
1 of the painting, with great sense of chinese new year

the painting i bought. Whee....

There's an exhibition of painting from the patient whose undergoing psychiatric treatment in UM. The exhibition hall was so comfy with dim light. We decided to take a break and shooting in this cozy hall.
the paintings by those psychiatric patients

a bunch of nuts bz painting on the wall xD

nuts and nerds

big show lying on the sofa comfortably

We ended our explore in the art gallery by signing up the guest book.
Picture grabbed from wednesday

What an artistic saturday we had. I will visit The Annexe again very soon. For the arts lover, you guys can log onto for more information. As I know, there's lot of interesting events and exhibition coming soon. Stay tuned and hope can see you guys there ^^

Friday, October 24, 2008



fetus nose and lips

little foot


我想我妈在24年前从超音波里看到我的时候也是这样子吧。看到一个小小的胚胎在肚子里面舞动肯定是一件很幸福的事吧 =)






记得小时候有一次,闹肚子痛。就嚷着要Mummy帮我擦风油。可是当Mummy帮我擦了几下之后,我竟然说:"我不要你擦了,你手那么粗,我去找阿嬷." 可恶的我,无知的我,不懂事的我,不孝的我!

几年后,比较懂事的我想起自己对Mummy说过的这句话,简直讨厌自己到了极点。恨不得把自己剁成十八段,然后放进绞肉器把自己绞成肉碎。Mummy的手还不是为了我们三姐妹熬成这样子,每天天还未亮就起身洗衣,煮饭烧菜,服侍我们三个小瓜,把家务做的妥妥当当才回公司。手上的每条细痕都是为我们付出的最佳见证。那句话,Mummy一定被我这没脑的女儿Hurt的遍体鳞伤吧。Mummy, 真得很对不起!

Mummy, 谢谢你牵着我,引领着我这么多年,跌倒了把我拉起来。就算我做过那么多让你心痛和伤心的事情,你的手还是紧紧地牵着我,从来没有放弃过我。


Mummy, 感谢神把我牵向你和爸爸面前。能成为你们的女儿是我今生最大的荣幸和骄傲!


My mum, the most beautiful woman in the world. I LOVE You!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ampang Korean Village ~ Woo Ga Chon

19th October 2008 Sunday

It's a rainy evening, and I had no idea with my dinner. Missed mummy's dishes, a bowl of hot soup will be nice in this cold weather >_<

Wei, my ex-housemate and one of jason's best Dota mate had suggested Korean food and 8 of us were agreed with his great idea. Yay...I've craved for Korean Food for a period already. Whee...finally tonight i can satisfied my appetite.

The restaurant was located at Ampang Korean Village. The design and the Korean Boss was looked alike with the previous restaurant i went.

This was the menu, which looked like Death Note for me =="

The Seafood Toufu Soup was drooling me from the menu, thus i decided to fill my stomach with it ^^

Aldosterone level of 8 of us kept rising up when seeing the waiter serving the side dishes non-stop, until our table was filled with those appetizing side dishes. Kimchi had won the most people choice award as we kept refilling it for the whole night.

scrumptious side dishes

my seafood toufu soup, and it's still boiling. Hot and spicy! Lip-smacking

Hubby's bi bim bap. Great taste when mixed with da sauce provided

The meal of the night (picture grabbed from

MALAYSIA Responsible Dog Ownership Day 2008

19th Oct 2008 Sunday

Today gotta be the greatest weekend I ever had for this month. Tania and I were bringing Gucci to Malaysia Responsible Dog Ownership Day 2008, held by the It's time for gugu to socialize ^^

Tania will picked me up at Bangsar LRT station as usual. I started my journey around 8.30am, but the stupid, lousy and unreliable LRT was having some kind of maintenance at that moment. *drats* We passengers were required to disembark at particular stations to change train (for 4 times) if we wished to continue our journey. All of us were so furious and frustrated about it!!! Why until nowadays the service of the train still a disappointment and sucks?!!Where's all the money that we paid went to? It's ridiculous to claim that Rapid KL still losing money since there are hundred and thousand and million of people using LRT and bus everyday. They should change their name to "Rapid ROSAK"

I've took nearly 1 hour to reach Bangsar station which normally take me about 30 minutes. Geram!!! However, my geramness faded away when I met my adorable God son, Gucci. He kept kissing me and had kissed away all my geramness. Lalala...

Gugu is enjoying the air-cond, so bahagia

We reached Central Park around 10am.

Gugu cant wait to get out of the car

Tania and I were so worried about Gugu that he will 'ki siao' when seeing so many of people (Gugu always prefers get close to people than dogs). But both of us were absolutely wrong, coz.........WE were the person who 'ki siao' first when we saw soooooo many types of cute puppies and dogs as we stepped out of the car. Especially me, I couldn't control myself when seeing so many Golden Retriever pacing around the garden. Hey, there are my dream dog I can't help myself stop snapping on them. They were just to hard to resist


Red Devil in DKNY sunny

Bay watch 2008 many Mc Dreamies here

meet Melissa, the artist dog

Melissa on the STOP cd cover with her owner Jane, bought it from PAWS

miss T with da red devil

I'm gonna own my Mc Dreamy in da future and I will named him as PUMA. I'll trained him to be smart and I will gave my love on him to make him the world happiest dog.Wahaha...hubby please don't jealous ya =P

Ok, come bac to Gucci, we had abandon him for so long. Tania had bought a new chain for Gugu, it's in blue and green with some small bones around he chain.

Gugu's new chain

tania and gugu in his new chain

There were full of variety of performances in the event. I was impreesed by those police dogs in helping bomba and rescue team in their job, especially in looking for the drugs and criminal and rescuing trapped people. Besides, the Police K9 Unit had performed various demonstration together with their bomb detection dogs from USA and showed the public some newly acquired German Shepherd.

bomba was demoing how's the dog looked for the drugs

The doggies games were really entertaining. There were some dogs ran into the wrong owner or ran out of the field ==" in the "Run to Your Owner" session. The musical chair game session was so exciting, the owners need to fight for a chair to sit as music stop and ask their dogs to sit as well.

3 of us were busy socializing with other dogs and owners. Here are the pics of those adorable doggies ^^

Hush puppy, and this clumsy fellow keep dripping his drool on my pants and legs,'s sticky

apologizing with his innocent face...==""



beep beep...fur kids on board


yo yo yo...this punky Schnauzer had caught my eyes

cute white little puppy

st bernards

gorgeous husky

chow chow

Gugu had become 师奶杀手

Gugu was tired

We left the park around 12pm, coz it's getting hotter and 3 of us were tired and hungry. We decided to have our lunch at SS/2. We tried a new restaurant, the Leo's Cafe

Both of us only realized that Amber Chia is the spoke person of the cafe when we saw the menu

I've ordered a set of butter seafood yee mee with a cucunber lime juice. The yee mee tasted good, but the taste of the cucumber lime juice was a bit weird. You guys can try by eating cucumber and lemon together if u want to imagine the taste =P

the butter cream seafood yee mee, yummy yummy...

cucumber lime juice. comment

We finished our lunch in a flash, coz we left Gugu alone in the car. So next time when u saw a white maltese sitting alone in a car by the road side, tat's mean we may just having our meal around ^^

Ohh ou...I discarded my Monday practical exam again =.="